FWQG August MeetingONLINE -- Officer electionAugust meeting is online only Officer election. Because the August meeting falls during preparation for the Quilt Show, we are meeting online only. We must meet because the Board for the 2022-2023 year needs to be elected and the bylaws say that the new board will be elected by those members who are present at the August meeting.
We will meet via zoom. It will start at 6:15 and end at 7:30. Since the only business item is the board election, there will be plenty of time to visit and show what we are working on. We will use the chat feature to register votes. Must be a member of FWQG to vote. Topic: FWQG Election of officers Time: Aug 16, 2022 06:15 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
One tap mobile +13462487799,,81355537747#,,,,*641558#
Dial in, then enter ID and passcode at prompts 1 346 248 7799 ) Meeting ID: 813 5553 7747 Passcode: 641558
For assistance, send text message to Sarah Tutt at 817 312 2960 Report of the Nominating Committee The nominating committee, consisting of past president Sarah Tutt and Wanda Edmunds met in July and finalized the following slate of officer to constitute the board of the Fort Worth Quilt Guild in 2022-23. The election is to be held via zoom on August 16, 2022 and new officers will be installed at the September meeting on September 20, 2022. FWQG nominations for board 2022-2023 President -- Wanda Edmunds President-Elect -- Thayne Rooney Member at Large -- Sue Hilgardner Member at Large --- Dee Ramirez Vice President (Programs) -- Shelley Clauss Vice President -- Lynda McGee Secretary -- Jean Wheeler Treasurer -- Karen Wiseman Past President -- Molly Risewick